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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Where am I?

Well, I find it ironic that my last blog post was about my annoyance with moving. And here we are again, less than two months later, and I'm surrounded by moving boxes. The movers are booked, hotels are booked, and I've closed utilities on two Seattle houses and started utilities at our new place in Minnesota. Yep, we're moving back to 2 days. I am beyond excited - ridiculously elated - and I can't wait for Ron and I to be back "home" surrounded by our friends and closer to our families.
Obviously, as I haven't posted in several weeks, life's been... colorful. Thank you to my family and friends who have stood by me throughout this past year, offering words of encouragement, support and love.

I am excited to start blogging again. I am grateful for my family and friends who have reminded me that they enjoy reading my blog. I recognize that I cook more and eat better when I am blogging, so I promise to return to my posts and maintain consistency once we are settled.

And Kelly, the first recipe to be posted will be the Texas Cavier. This delicious recipe is courtesy of my friend and loyal reader, Emily, and I can't wait to make it again!



  1. YAY!!!! So happy you are back!!! And, happy the recipe worked. That's always scary. Let's get together SOON!

  2. Time to post some new stories and recipes.

    1. Yes, Yes. I know. I'm ashamed for falling off of my blog. I'm planning on it, I promise.
