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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Birds Nest Cookies

I submit an exam this morning.  I had a terrible feeling when I submit the exam.  Granted, I always feel terrible when I submit exams and I somehow end doing ok.  But this time... this time is different.  This time, I was unfortunately reminded of that one horrific algebra final I took during my freshman year of college.  I ended up having to retake the class.  I struggled with math that year.  For the entire semester, I lacked energy to go to class, to learn the material, to relate to the Professor.  I simply despised it and could not bring myself to even try to force myself to work through problems.  

Unfortunately, my undergraduate self made a reappearance this past semester in regard to class productivity with constitutional law.  I simply had no motivation for this exam or this class.  (In reality, I've been really struggling with law school in general for the entire semester, but that is another story.)  It's sad really, because I very much enjoyed my first semester of con law.  

I know that my exam is now out of my hand and sitting silently waiting to receive my lowest grade of law school, in fact ever.  I know this because I simply could not bring myself to analyze the issues correctly.  It was like all brain activity stopped once I picked up the exam.  I actually have no idea what happened.  I'm more annoyed because I am terribly disappointed in myself.  But, I realize that this is simply one class, one exam and three short months out of my life.  So, I will turn the page.

But, I did still need something to add some cheer to my life.  So, I decided to make some birds nest cookies.  With the Easter holiday approaching, my mom was kind enough to send Ron and I some Easter baskets.  Sadly, I binged on most of the candy for nearly the entire 24 hour period which I was taking my exam, but I did manage to salvage some robins eggs.  Perhaps I knew subconsciously that I would be needing to make up some comfort food after the exam.  These cookies were perfect to make because they required very little brain activity.  Yet, they produced a wonderful (and fun) result.  (By the way, sorry for the bumming post.)
Birds Nest Cookies
adapted from Flamingo Bear
  • 1 2/3 c chocolate chips (about 11 ounces)
  • 1/2 c peanut butter chips 
  • 1/4 c butterscotch chips
    • You could also omit butterscotch and use 3/4 c of pb chips or smooth pb.
  • sprinkle of kosher salt
  • 2 1/2 c chow mein noodles (about 10 ounces)
  • 1 cup salted peanuts
  • 3/4 c rice krispie cereal (optional)
  • Robin eggs (or whatever chocolate candy piece you prefer)
  1. Line baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Melt chocolate, peanut butter and butterscotch chips over medium heat.  I used a double boiler.
  3. Gently stir in salt, noodles, peanuts and rice krispies, if desired.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Spoon onto prepared baking sheets and shape into birds nest.
  6. Add some eggs to the chocolate.
  7. Place in refrigerator to firm and store in air-tight container.


  1. They look like haystacks with robin eggs on them. They are cute.

  2. Lol. Good observation, Mom! They ARE haystacks with robin eggs on them. But, the eggs make them "birds nest" cookies :)
