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Friday, July 2, 2010

Buckwheat Pancakes

We're in the process of moving, so posts have been pretty slow.  There hasn't been any cooking the past few days.  I packed everything away once I had my last oven fail in our current apartment.  Words cannot express how excited I am to move.  Though, I've certainly tried to express these words as often as possible the past few weeks.

The cats have been in total disarray since I started packing.  They always seem to know what's coming once they see boxes and suitcases.  And, considering the last move was total anarchy, I believe that they have good reason to be in disarray.  About 2 years ago now, we packed up a giant moving truck and hauled all of our belongings (as well as a caravan of family members), to move to Minnesota.  We split it into a 2-day journey.  But the cats were not pleased to be in a car for that long.  Nor have they been pleased to make that trip 2 subsequent times since we've made MN our residence.  So, I guess I understand why they are annoyed.

On the other hand, Salem is delighted because she has so much to do with the boxes.  She has ruined nearly all of them because she thinks its her personal jungle gym.  I've found her hiding in places that she's recently discovered and that I never knew existed until we cleared out our belongings.  I can only imagine where her new hiding spots are going to be in the new house.  A 3-story house is going to be a palace for her.  I expect that my first Salem search is going to take about 2 hours.  I'm still searching the basement for places that she can get stuck.  I had enough of her running around in the floodboards at our Pittsburgh house to realize that this cat likes to hide.

I've had the luxury of having some time to go and pick some fresh strawberries.  We first went a few weeks ago and I was amazed at how good the berries tasted.  I'm so used to buying them in the store that I forgot how delicious fresh berries can taste.  Mom got me a foodsaver a while back and I knew that it would be perfect for this occasion.  I ended up returning to spend an hour picking by myself.  Eventually, I ended up hauling and freezing about 15 pounds of strawberries (that cost mere peanuts compared to the store).  I've already had some thawed and they taste just as good as they did when I first brought them home.

Not much to say about the pancakes, except that I loved them.  They were pretty dense and you definitely needed something more than just butter to top them.  But, I'm a big fan of buckwheat so they were pretty darn delicious for me.  Plus, the provided ample fuel for a 9 mile run the morning they were eaten.
Buckwheat Pancakes
Fake Ginger
  • 3/4 c buckwheat flour
  • 3/4 c WW flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 c buttermilk
  • 3/4 c nonfat milk
  • 1 Tbsp honey
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 Tbsp canola oil
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the flours, baking powder, baking soda and salt.  In another bowl, beat together buttermilk, nonfat milk, honey, eggs, and oil.
  2. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, mixing only enough to combine them.
  3. Preheat a large nonstick griddle or skillet over a medium flame.
  4. Ladle the batter onto the skillet.
  5. Flip the pancake when it is golden brown on the bottom and bubbles are forming on top, about 1 1/2 minutes.  
  6. Cook the other side until golden brown, about 1 1/2 minutes.

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