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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Banana Bites

People are often surprised when they find out that I bake.  I think it's because I come across as relatively healthy.  I think of myself as pretty active, I don't drink or smoke or eat fast food, and I am able to fit into my pants (on most days).  But, I guess it's still kind of shocking, especially to people who have watched me turn down free food more often than not and assume I nibble on lettuce periodically throughout the day.

A lot has changed since we moved to MN.  My food allergies, which used to be pretty lax, have kicked in full-swing.  I have serious food allergies that have a lot of control over my life.  I often turn down food that I haven't made because I simply don't know what is in it, not because I don't want it.  When I cook/bake, I can see the preparation and I can see what ingredients are included in the recipe.  Trust me, I used to eat anything handed to me.  Then, after I first got sick, I realized I couldn't dine out as often anymore :-/  Dining out and eating other people's food has become very problematic in the past few years.  I'm like "that person" who is sending food back all the time.  I feel terrible, because people might be offended when I turn things down, but I really have no other choice.

Anyway, I do have an extreme sweet tooth.  And, I don't see a problem with indulging every single day.  But, I seem to have the ability to indulge sensibly.  I've been blessed with the gift of consuming things in moderation.  I can bake a whole tray of brownies, take one small bite, and be fine with not having anymore.  Unfortunately for Ron, this means he ends up eating 99% of them, but somehow the guy has lost 40+ pounds since we moved here and he started eating everything I make.

Contrary to this blog, my daily indulgences seem to be different from what others might expect them to be.  I get excited when I can have a bowl of berries, mixed with some granola and a few sprinkles of dark chocolate.  My favorite meals look like a rainbow and I have an array of flavors with fruits and veggies on my plate.  I crave water, lots of water, and never alcohol.  So, I guess those reasons might be why my pants still fit.  I also snack often through-out the day and eat something at nearly every hour.  But, snacks consist of apples and giant carrots (Hey... what's up Doc?)  I also spend a lot of time lifting, running, cycling, rollarblading, walking, doing yoga or pilates, swimming, or hiking . . .  I don't normally drive to the grocery store; I walk or bike there.  I don't normally drive to the dentist's office; I walk or bike there.  Do you see where I'm going with this?

So yes, I do still fit into my pants.  But, I'm not saying that my lifestyle is a great way to live life.  I struggle with this stuff, and some days are more difficult than others.  But, here's a brief look at the desserts I eat on a daily basis to satisfy my cravings.
Yep.  Chomp.  Those are my marks from my two front teeth.

Note:  Don't try and trick a non-fruit lover by telling him that these are ice cream balls.  He will take a bite, ask what is in it and if you say custard, he will take another bite then argue that it is not custard.  He will then look at it and scream "THIS IS A BANANA.  BLECK!!" and spit it all over the kitchen.  Ron has had a banana once before in his life.  Since then, he's been wondering for years if he would ever try one again.  Last night, he came to the conclusion that he is content with never eating them again.

Chocolate and Peanut Butter Banana Bites
adapted from (Never Home)maker
Yield:  about 6 servings
  • 1 banana
  • 1.5 squares of bittersweet chocolate, cut into small chunks
  • 3 T creamy peanut butter
  • sprinkle of coconut and almond slivers, if desired
  1. Cut banana into 6 equal pieces.
  2. Place chocolate and peanut butter in bowl and place in microwave for 1 minute.
  3. Remove bowl and stir chocolate and peanut butter until smooth.
  4. Dip banana pieces into melted chocolate and peanut butter until covered.
  5. Transfer banana to tray lined with parchment paper.  
  6. Drizzle more chocolate pb over bananas, if desired.  (You will have some leftover.)
  7. Sprinkle coconut and almond slivers on top, if desired.  (Or use other toppings.)
  8. Set in freezer to firm.  Then, enjoy!

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