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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Mango and Black Rice Chicken Salad

On weekends, I always mix up big batches of rice mixtures to eat for lunches.  It is super easy and I always know that I have something quick and easy to heat up.  Even better - I can shove the mixture in a wrap and eat it like a sandwich if I am on the run.   Wraps are a staple in my fridge.

I was looking for a recipe that used the ingredients that I used for the Quinoa salad.  I had a ton of leftover ingredients and knew that I must make something with them or else they would sit there and go unloved.  I stumbled upon this recipe for a mango and black rice chicken salad.

The recipe is from the Delicious Living magazine (which I normally pick up at Kowalski's) and they described the salad as pretty hearty and nutritious.  "Lean proteins, including skinless chicken, are low in artery-clogging saturated fat.  Paired with whole grains for antioxidants and fiber, pine nuts for monounsaturated fats, and beta-carotene-packed mangoes, and you have a nutrient-rich lunch or supper."  Woah, YUM!

The description of the recipe sounded pretty appealing, so I decided to give it a go.  And, I'm glad that I did!  This recipe is very good and very easy.  I cooked up some chicken while I was simmering the rice and lunch was on the table in about 55 minutes.  Total hands-on time was probably about 10 minutes.  I used the seven whole grain pilaf blend from Seeds of Change.  The nuttiness of the pilaf definitely adds a necessary texture to this salad.
 Mango and Black Rice Chicken Salad
adapted from Delicious Living magazine

Yield:  Serves 4

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